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  • Touch Me -
    Event: Touch MeInstitution: Victoria & Albert Museum Comment:
  • Event: Touch me Festival 2008Institution: Kontejner/ Mochvara GalleryComment:
  • Event: Touch the VirtualInstitution: SENSORIAL: Body, Media and the Relational WorldComment:
  • The ‘Touch’ project aims to transform the general perception of a media façade, in this case the Dexia Tower, from a marketing and corporate image device towards an urban light art work. The challenge lies in the design of participation and...
  • Hershman, Lynn. Touch-Sensitivity and Other Forms of Subversion: Interactive Artwork Leonardo 26, no. 5 (1993): 431-436.
  • Hershman, Lynn. Touch-Sensitivity and other Forms of Subversion: Interactive Artwork In Women, Art, and Technology, edited by Judy Malloy, 192-205. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003.
  • TouchCounters -
    TouchCounters are computational tags that track the usage of physical objects. TouchCounters sense activity through magnetic, acceleration, and infrared sensors, and indicate their status on bright LED displays. Through magnetic snap connectors,...
  • In the first year of the coronavirus pandemic it was thought that transmission was primarily through physical contact. We were hyperaware of the surfaces we touched and of the traces that may or may not be on those surfaces. Indeed, for those alone...
  • Touchware
    SIGGRAPH'98 Artshow, Orlando, Florida: »Liquid Views« in Touchware.
  • »1998 SIGGRAPH'98 Artshow, Orlando, Florida: »Liquid Views« in Touchware.« Siggraph Artshow