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  • freequent traveller -
    ...Freequent traveller is an interactive installation by the Berlin based artist Susanne Schuricht. The interface consists of a hammock, whose...
  • ...Centre de Arts Actuels Skol, ed. L´installation. Pistes et Territoires. Montreal: Skol, 1997.
  • ... Bauhaus-University Weimar Media Environments (Media Arts & Design)Comment:
  • ...The Machinista festival celebrates artificial intelligence in the arts, presenting an international selection of works where the machine plays...
  • Text Rain
    ...Text Rain is an interactive installation designed to blur the boundaries between physical and virtual space. Viewers play with falling text...
  • ... ´98, International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, , 21. Orlando: 1998.
  • ...Working with computer based arts since the late 1960s. There should be humour and politics, at least sometimes, in art. Especially the humour...
  • The Fox -
    ... and expectations of power, pleasure and control in the interactive environment. This performance was developed in...
  • R&E
    ... fax exchange with group Art Reseaux, École Municipale D'Arts Plastiques, Rosny Sous Bois, France, 1990 - "The Globe Show", fax...
  • ...Kac, Eduardo. Eduardo Kac: Dialogues Dialogue: Arts in the Midwest 18, no. 1 (Jan/Feb 1995): 14-16.