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  • .. explore the potential of the human body to be an audio-visual instrument ..
  • ... take part in a networked real-time performance for a live Virtual Studio production, from a home PC, an Internet cafe, or as digital nomads with cell phones and palmtops. Based on sound poetry of the famous Austrian poet Ernst Jandl the distributed poetry...
  • ... Acevedo’s visual music explores the implications of synesthesia through computer animated geometry.
  • Tristero -
    ... transforming dead-letters and junk mail into multi-layered carriers of meaning. The Tristero website is a customised digital image depository to which subscribers can donate waste material from their mailboxes or hard drives in the hope that it will...
  • ... Simon Biggs emerged as one of a small number of Australian artists during the 1970’s who were experimenting with electronic and digital media. With initial influences from diverse sources, such as his father’s work as a first generation computer scientist, 1960’s...
  • ... heard in various sound installations. Anonymous Real-time v02 had its world public premiere @ LACDA : Los Angeles Center for Digital Art during the Downtown LA Art walk on Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017 as part of a group show called Featured Video Artists. The...
  • ... super-bright LEDs, creating a pixel in a warped 8x8 spatial matrix. Together with Robert Henke: Inside a computer, digital music is entirely unseen. But translate it into the tangible world, and it can be anything you imagine – not limited by...
  • ... could be considered as human values. The neuro-designed shapes, produced by individual visitors, become named and numbered digital 3D models: FREEDOM 0001, FREEDOM 0002… FREEDOM 000X. Each numbered item is an artwork registered on the Blockchain. At the...
  • ... Embrace: visionary theories of art, technology and consciousness, New Media in the Late 20th-Century, Video Art, and Digital Art. (source:
  • ... and half-sentences, words and syllables through our movements’. (Schulze 2005) The participants' area- an empty room and a digital stage on the Internet are connected via optical tracking. Real and virtual space are superimposed, the movement of the visitors...