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  • Creatures #4 -
    CREATURES #4 6/7/8 May 2016 16:00-21:00 Opening on Friday 6 May 2016 at 16:00 Interactive installation by Pier Giorgio De Pinto @ Keck-Kiosk Klybeckstrasse 1b, Basel Tram Nr.8 - Stop Kaserne All
  • Tele-Twister -
    Have fun while learning about gravity, anatomy, ergonomics, and social dynamics! The party game Twister, introduced in 1966, was the first board game played with human bodies. This version, "Tele-Twister" is a game designed for the
  • in collaboration with Masayuki Towata. The observer is confronted with the dark surface of a half-mirrored glass on which blinking red LED lights and the observer’s own image is reflected. Within a short time, blue shafts of light begin to radiate
  • Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag & N-solab 1965 in Lübeck, Deutschland Club Transmediale 2008 sonArc::project, Kulturverlag Kadmos, Berlin, ISBN (13)978-3-931659-97 Auszeichnungen (Auswahl) [Bearbeiten] 2008 CYNETart-Award 08 2008 Deutscher
  • Othello in an urban space:A trial of doing "Othello ®" game in human scale. Each partisipant plays a role of a piece of the game. Unlike we do the game on board and play by two players, there is no center of decision. All the strategy of the game is
  • Born in Seoul, South Korea, Bo Lee is a contemporary artist, using video, drawing and found objects to explore various themes. His videos often implement a collection of rapid cuts to experiment with social meaning while his drawings play with
  • Rome & Juliet in Hades is based on the play by Shakespeare. There are two main characters, Romeo and Juliet, in the story and, therefore, this story supplies a good example of multi-person participation. People have a strong desire to act out the
  • PainStation -
    PainStation comprises a box structure housing a horizontal screen over which the two players face each other. The software is based on Pong, an early computer game. Players use their right hands to control a bat on screen, and must keep their left
  • Aural Limbo is a series of aural interventions of the public space, engaging passersby in an inhabitable instrument that uses the body presence and location as variables for the dynamic transformation of sound. In Lapse Modulation, the space is
  • Family Portrait -
    Imagine a portrait. You walk up to it and engage in conversation. You pick a question from a pre-established set on the screen. The portrait gives you an answer. A new set of questions, or coments appears. You get further reactions. As this