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  • ... often using the visitor as a co-actor (Orbit, Nevel, Compass, Boreas, Transporter). His projects often involve advanced technology as a point of departure or inspiration but also to activate the installations.
  • ... their voices booming through the thousands of speakers. In more recent sculptures (see GATEWAY) using Bluetooth receiver technology the spectators can play their own music from their smartphones and laptops through the sculpture.
  • ...Strauss, W./ Fleischmann, M./ Novak, Jasminko. CAT - Communication, Art and Technology In Global@home, edited by Herbert KubicekHeidelberg, DE: Hüthig Verlag, 2000.
  • ...Quintero, Fernando. Digital Arts: The Evolution of A Discipline University of California Teaching Learning and Technology Center News and Events (March 2002).
  • ...Stone, Allucquére Rosanne. The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1995.
  • ...Davies, Char. Rethinking Virtual Reality: Key Concepts and Concerns In Hybrid Reality: Art, Technology and the Human Factor, edited by Hal ThwaitesMontreal, Canada: International Society on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 2003.
  • ... Director of the Processing Foundation, whose mission is to serve those who have historically not had access to the fields of technology, code, and art in learning software and visual literacy. Lauren is an Associate Professor at UCLA Design Media Arts.
  • ... Media Arts and Science Ogaki, Japan (2003). In his artworks and research, he examines socio-cultural implications of media technology and human computer interfaces. His interactive installations and artworks, including 'Bubbles' (in collaboration with K....
  • ...Dietz, Steve. Ten Dreams of Technology Leonardo 35, no. 5 (2002): 509-513-515-522.
  • ...Donath, Judith. Mediated Faces In Cognitive Technology: Instruments of Mind. Lecutre Notes in Computer Science. 4th International Conference, edited by Meurig ; Nehaniv,C. L. ; Dautenhahn BeynonVol.2117. , 373-390. Coventry, UK: 2001.