Archive Search

  • ...Slater, Mel and Martin Usoh and A. Steed. Depth of Presence in Virtual Environments Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 3, no. 2 (1994): 130-144.
  • ...Fisher, Scott S.. Virtual Environments, Personal Simulation and Telepresence In Ars Electronica: Facing the Future, edited by Timothey DruckreyCambridge, MASS: MIT Press, 1999.
  • ...Penny, Simon. Machine Culture: The Virtual Frontier In SIGGRAPH ´93 Proceedings, edited by Simon PennyAnaheim, CAL: 1993.
  • ...Wertheim, Margaret. Virtual Ecology .
  • ...Manovich, Lev. Virtual Cave Dwellers: Siggraph ´92 Afterimage 20, no. 3 (October 1992): 3-4.
  • ... state. The complex structures of the collages are the result of multiple manipulations of the original renderings from the virtual world. These renderings, taken from diverse viewpoints, have been multiplied, intermingled, layered and occasionally...
  • ...This interactive installation integrates virtual reality, robotics and telepresence with a high aesthetical content as well as an suggestive and enigmatic interaction. The Real ambience represented by a physical structure under the form of an Arena. The Virtual...
  • ...Event: Metaphorical architecture for virtual worldsInstitution: Back to the CAVE, Stuttgarter Filmwinter FestivalComment:
  • Virtual Lascaux -
    Virtual Lascaux is the brainchild of Benjamin Britton, assistant professor of electronic art at the University of Cincinnati. He was inspired to "connect the past to the future" when, after five years of asking, he was eventually allowed a see the caves for himself....
  • ...Packer, Randall and Ken Jordan. Multimedia: From Wagner to Virtual Reality. New York: W. W. Norton and Company Inc, 2002.