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  • ... and artists from all over the world, re:place 2007 presents... für Kulturtechnik at Humboldt Universität Berlin, Institut für...
  • ... at a time, whose shadows become the theater of the work. Each...
  • ...ative performance simultaneously staged in the street and in the theater. The...
  • ...Erkki Huhtamo works as a professor at the University of California Los Angeles...
  • Dust -
    2012 LABORATORIA Moskow, Art & Science Space( 29th.March.2012 until 1th5 July 7.2012) Exhibition: "DUST," Curators: Daria Parkhomenko, Simon Mraz Artists: Herwig Weiser, Erwin Wurm, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Dietmar Offenhuber, Markus
  • ...Jane Tseng. Jane Tseng, “The Birth of Eve Clone – Technological Satire of a...
  • 2020 Body Manifestation : Pey-Chwen Lin Solo Exhibition Body Manifestation : Pey-Chwen Lin Solo Exhibition”, Da Xiang Art Space, Taichung, Taiwan Curator | Dr. Ming Turner Exhibition time | 2020/1/18-3/8 Opening Symposium | 2/1 (Saturday) 15:00
  • ... and Assistant Professor at the School of Fine Arts at Indiana...
  • ...The audience is elevated and observes the stage from a low angle, as in an...
  • 14#BIS -
    ... interactions and mixed landscape generate the 14#bis biocybrid system, to...