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  • ...Visual Orchestra (2001, real-time interactive digital installation)...
  • Accident
    Runtime looped animation in which language continuously emerges and disappears. As a speech fragment is repeated and letters disappear from it, new meanings emerge.
  • ... as he was looking at a real fish swimming in a real...
  • This work addresses the notion of a library of the written language, and gives special aesthetic emphasis to the digital (binary) transformation of language to embody the context of the LBC as a computing center for a larger network of provincial
  • Strange Days -
    Shirley Shor > CryptoMania Opening Reception: Thursday, November 30, 2017, 20:00 Curator: Yaron Haramati CryptoMania brings the cyberworld and human/machine relations in the post-digital age into the world of art. Shor explores abstract themes like
  • ... is synchronized with the real movements of the fish in the...
  • Event: IN THE DIGITAL TRACKINGInstitution: FILE - Electronic Language International FestivalComment:
  • Event: The body is the messageInstitution: FILE - Electronic Language International FestivalComment:
  • Solar -
    ... be audio responsive in real-time. During the...
  • CURATORIAL STATEMENT:Many of the prominent international practitioners in the field of software art could not participate in the first version of CODeDOC since the Whitney Museum is, by its mission, devoted to American artists (citizens and artists