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  • Survey of Prints -
    ... accept to survive.” Kentridge has established significant bodies of work in three media—paper, film, and theater. Connoisseurs of...
  • .. his artistic development between research in the humanities, multi-sensory engineering and collaborative practice in the fields of digital art and theatre ..
  • MovieMovie - video
    ... allowed the images to materialise in many layers, and the bodies of the performers and then of the audience (many of whom...
  • Seed/Tree - video
    ... have microphones and EMG electrodes attached to their bodies. The breathing and the heartbeat of two of the performers...
  • VR Aquarium - video
    ... and three-dimensionality. The virtual fishes traverse the bodies of the people that inhabit the cave and the immersive state mix...
  • ... is such a complex balancing act. So much can go wrong in our bodies that it is remarkable that we stay alive. When problems occur...
  • ... biology are configured so to integrate human and technological bodies into new living instances. His practice is considered a...
  • ... - but artists also taught people how to interact with complex bodies of information. History of art is the history of research in...
  • ... allowing the users to observer and control their telepresent bodies within 360° around the virtual table. The video flow and...
  • ... the sculpture a projection is translating this dialogue of the bodies and the emotions of the world into words and colours. The...