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  • Bosco, Roberta and Stefano Caldana. Un Mundo Verde Fluorescente Ciberp@is Mensual , no. 15 (Octobre 2001).
  • Bosco, Roberta and Stefano Caldana. Mil sueños que me despertarán [].
  • 10. Netart from Canada I-Highway - netart from Canada is a showcase of netart which can be accessed directly here selected artists their name are linked with the artists biographies Michael Alstad saibot & ssiess Isabel Hayeur Babel
  • Curator: José Ramón Pérez Ornia; Artists: Marina Abramovic, Chantal Akerman, Max Almy, Julián Álvarez, Richard Angers, Ida Applebroog & Beth B, Eugènia Balcells, Irit Batsry, Robert Breer, Brothers Qualy (Stephen y Timothy Quay), Carl Browm, Robert
  • 2007 Maison de la Photographie, Sept 12-30 2007 Art@utsiders - Territoires Invisible (exhibiting artists: Charles & Ray Eames, Semiconductor, Ken Goldberg & Karl Bohringer, Gregory Chatonsky, Victoria
  • 2019 Es Baluard Museu d'Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma and Colección BEEP de Arte Electrónico 31.01.2019- 06.10.2019 Curated by Roberta Bosco and Stefano - Palma di Mallorca
  • Pulse Room - video
    Pulse Room is an interactive installation featuring one to three hundred clear incandescent light bulbs, 300 W each and hung from a cable at a height of three metres. The bulbs are uniformly distributed over the exhibition room, filling it
  • Robert W. Sweeny, PhD, is Professor of Art Education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He completed his doctoral work at Pennsylvania State University and his dissertation was titled ‘Net_Work_Ed: Simulated Bodies and Objects Intertwined in
  • Gates-Stuart, Eleanor and Marguerite Bramble and Rafael de Lima and Bernard Higgins and Coralie McKenzie and Samantha Dowdeswell and Robert Lewis. Evoking Memories: Displacing the Fear of Technology Fusion Journal 016 (2019): 23-35.
  • A predecessor of Lynn Hershman Leeson's influential “Roberta Breitmore” series, “Self Portrait as Another Person” features a wax cast of the artist's face that was made in 1966. Characteristic of similar pieces created by the artist in this period,