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  • Heliotrope -
    ... yet the texts themselves reflecting upon the vanity of interpretation. That the user, like Camus, is torn between the fundamental sun... understanding of the world around them by searching for meaning in the apparently systematic. Trying to keep the sun in the...
  • ... The choice of free flight through space and time as a metaphor reflects the world of thought of the group of artists and... reciprocal transmissions and penetrations of form just as of meaning. And - as if one were inside a multi-faceted macrocosmos - the...
  • ... in a conversation through their various attempts at interpretation. Some visitors try to understand the context behind the words.... encourages a kind of inner dialogue and reflection on the meaning of the terms. They make their own associations by spotting a...
  • ... means replacing certain fragments of memory. Fixing on a detail adds more opacity and, therefore, also presence. Zooming in on an... the retina, the memory’s image, in constant mutation, gives meaning to the fight, and rejects all final statements. Art Impact...
  • ... physical movements of visitors, offering multiple layers of meaning. Any audience not participating takes advantage at the...
  • ... physical movements of visitors, offering multiple layers of meaning. Any audience not participating takes advantage at the...
  • ... screen in front of the viewer. The work is a poetic interpretation drawing on the dualist debate and the philosophical... - a metaphysical place of memory, purpose, destiny and meaning. Apart from the conceptual and thematic ideas explored by...
  • ... of the Brain represents the thoughts of four philosophers as metaphorical virtual houses. Chosen for their contributions to the... magical light scenes is a powerful way to convey attention and meaning. In 1992, Home of the Brain was awarded the Golden Nica at the...
  • ... live CCTC as a facade for over ten years. - Here is a more detailed proposal based on the initial concepts. - Please note I have... and then analyzing its impact and influence, lies in making meaning accessible to a wider audience. The facade aesthetics will...
  • George Legrady has exhibited across the world and is widely recognized as one of the early digital artists that researched the semiotic and cultural implications of software-produced images. His work encompasses a wide range of digital experiments