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  • FLUflux -
    ... between international flight travel and the outbreaks of global diseases during the first decade of the 21st century: SARS,...
  • Watch Out! -
    ...The World wide Panoptikon increases global exposure. Is Big Watcher b[r]othering us? Should we be afraid of being seen or should we...
  • Post Brands -
    ... via omnipresent logos marked the beginning of the rise of global multinationals that eventually replaced the powers of political...
  • ... in 1945, is a nonprofit organization which deals with global security threats deriving from the technological development....
  • ... artist, his art reflects the social-economical pictures and global technological, scientific, cultural developments. The...
  • ...In 2008, the 21st EMAF explored personal identity in a globalised world. How will the advance of digital technologies change all areas of...
  • ...World Stage uses digital representations of global species of butterflies to animate the powerful iconography of worldwide flags. In a time when...
  • TeleZone Overview -
    ... city - as a model for describing common processes within a global telematic society - does not any longer exist in the form of...
  • ... and Animated Music since 1987. She was interviewed by BBC Global Business News, Wirshafts Woche, CeBits Special Edition, 2000,...
  • ... particularly housing, and its manipulation by automated, global economic systems. Her work has been shown at the Museum of...