Archive Search
...Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael. Arte Electronico: Pervirtiendo lo tecnológicamente correcto Movimiento Actual (November 1997).
...Zanini, Walter. A arte de comunicacão telemática: a interatividade no ciberespaco ARS (Departamento de Artes Plasticos) 1, no. 1 (2003).
...Domingues, Diana. Arte e Vida no Século XXI: Tecnologia, ciência e criatividade. São Paulo, BR: Editora UNESP, 2003.
...Hartmut Jahn is a German artist, film-director and author in the field of media. He has been appointed Professor in the Media Design department...
...Andy Lomas is a mathematician, digital artist and Emmy award winning supervisor of computer generated effects. Cellular Forms is the latest part...
...Machado, Arlindo and Silvia Laurenitz and Fernando Iazzetta. Panorama de Arte e Tecnologia do Brasil
...Michelin, Simone. O Centro do Crisol In Redes Sensoriais: Arte, Ciencia e Tecnologia, edited by Katia Maciel and André Parente, 107-120. Rio de...
...Michelin, Simone. Beam me up, Mr. Ascott:,, arte em redes telemáticas Rioartes 10, no. 28 (2001): 24-25.
...BA in Art History and MA in Arts and Communication, is carrying out his artistic activity by continuously crossing the thin line between...
...Brian Mackern (Uruguay) is a new media artist, developer and designer of digital and hybrid net based art projects since 1995. Musician,...