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  • ... an updated version of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth. These characters form a proverbial "Eternal Triangle". Each screen section carries an image of the individual protagonist in situ (for example in their home, on a train, in the street). The poems are...
  • Under Fire -
    ... It looks at the rise of the privatized military industry and the global commercialization of arms, espionage, security, and military force. It looks at the production of militancy and its construction of the enemy other. It understands acts of...
  • ... Lung Shan II, 1990, 72" by 24" Pen & brush plotted work on paper. Click here for detail, left section The work above includes reversed mirror brushstrokes echoing the distribution of pen strokes. With each pen stroke derived from the same distribution, the...
  • ...The museum is redesigning part of its exhibition space, Science Storms, a major new section , opens 18 March 2010. My work, String Waves, will be part of the new collection. Installation was completed in early December 2009. These images show how it looked at...
  • SonoMorphis - video
    ... exists in real space, visitors interact with a virtual organic projected onto a screen via a special interface box. The second access point uses the world wide web as its user interface. In both systems, users evolve a three-dimensional organic...
  • ... involving you and the electrical system (count, stretch, look behind you, look around the corner and so on.) # A section where electrical instruments allow for the measurement of self-doubt (give yourself a massage, or watch yourself magnified,...
  • Fascinum -
    ... Alessandro Ludovico: ‘Fascinum’, addresses the most viewed news pictures and anticipated in a way the ‘most popular’ section on Flickr. How much are we looking for sign and pictures we need to belong to? Christophe Bruno: Fascinum is a Yahoo Hack. Back in...
  • Flight Patterns -
    ... project which records voices across the globe singing together. Aaron Koblin also created House of Cards in the Code section of the exhibition
  • ... TV (the image is the same on both screens). You touch the screen to interact with it. It's like five games in one; five sections, each section is different than the others, all of them address appropriation und use of copyrighted material for personal...
  • ... it here and get involved with the Recode project. Karsten Schmidt also created Enerugii Wa Antee Shite Inai in the Code section of the exhibition