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  • Mirko Lazović graduated at the University of Arts in Belgrade and Royal Academy in The Hague, got his MA from the Royal Conservatory in the Hague (2008). His installations place strong thematic emphasis on presence, interactivity, and compositional
  • The Wish - video
    "THE WISH" Narration: "Everything was falling. Then the Waves came. They wrapped houses and entire cities. And with them, came the Ears, and the Eyes. And sometimes a Nose would sit on the kid's dinner. With no homes and no cities, the citizens went
  • Abbado, Adriano. Il Festival di Arte Elettronica di Camerino: la mia esperienza. (2018).
  • Abbado, Adriano. I maestri della Visual Music. : Skira, 2017.
  • Abbado, Adriano. Sul rapporto tra immagine e musica (2004).
  • Abbado, Adriano. Arte audiovisiva (1999).
  • Blast -
    From its beginning in 1990, Blast has set out to explore contemporary texts and images and their accompanying practices of reading, viewing, and authoring. Blast has conducted these explorations in terms of a publication, investigating the changing
  • Abbado, Adriano. Tempo reale e tempo reale speciale (1990).
  • Abbado, Adriano. Dataglove and Audiovisual Art (1990).
  • Abbado, Adriano. Perceptual Correspondences of Abstract Animation and Synthetic Sound (1988).