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  • Flypad -
    ...The company has also been commissioned to create a major, new permanent installation for THEpUBLIC in West Bromwich UK, due to open in 2006. ...
  • Neuro Mirror - video
    ... ones past actions. Neuronal networks predict the future and create changes and extrapolations of the participant' self-image. The...
  • BIOS -
    ... For this purpose, the artists use cutting-edge technology to create interactive works reflecting and questioning the increasing...
  • ...Will future formats create a new literacy? McLuhan was sure that sooner or later mass society would see print and linear culture replaced by...
  • House of Cards -
    ... a bunch of other great people, lasers and sensors were used to create a 3D data "music video" for the band Radiohead. The project...
  • Drawing by Numbers -
    ... by Numbers provides a static version of this. Key points create a crystalline, slightly three-dimensional representation of the...
  • Re-reading the News -
    ... it can serve the very practical function of allowing users to create a single interface--one daily newspaper--made up of news drawn...
  • Triangles -
    ... of physically interacting with digital information. Users can create both two and three dimensional patterns whose exact...
  • antidatamining -
    ... mining tools and digital monitoring technologies are used to create a series of images of our society pictured through its data...
  • ... rocking action. The aim of "Remote Furniture," then, is to create direct and tactile touch. I arrived at the idea by first...