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  • ... and a mechanically engineered aluminium, steel and glass structure that pivots for maintenance. A single knob lets the...
  • Der Wald
    ... to produce movements running in every direction. With this structure, Waliczky alters the whole system of coordinates on which...
    ... simulation, that is, art replicates and shows its own basic structure and the principles of its own functioning. If before...
  • ... modulated the sixteen sound tracks physically located in this structure.
  • SoleNoid
    ...Composed of glossy white wooden discs and sculptural structures which hold mechanical manipulators that pierce classic black and white tap shoes...
  • Purification -
    ... transformation, fusion and breakthrough of the psychical structure. The reflective water surfaces work as mirrors that tend to...
  • Greenhouse -
    ... and combine them with the changes of Taiwan’s population structure throughout the years and population birth rate, creating a...
    ... of the time elements must speed up - a visual and aural time structure which appears to accelerate and decelerate based on human...
  • etoy -
    ... Malaysia, Mali, el. al.) etoy uses the corporate structure to maximize cultural value and pervert legal systems: the...
  • Beijing Accelerator -
    ... participant takes position in a racing-chair on a motorized structure equipped with a joystick. This time however, a 160x120 cm...