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  • 10. Netart from Canada I-Highway - netart from Canada is a showcase of netart which can be accessed directly here selected artists their name are linked with the artists biographies Michael Alstad saibot & ssiess Isabel Hayeur Babel
  • "(Perception is) The Master of Space" is a variation of "Very Nervous System". String, hanging from the ceiling at 1/2 meter intervals, was used to establish the edges of the perceptual field of the system's camera and its shadows. The camera
  • Two fully functioning saunas are linked via the Internet, equipped with media streaming and interactive video tools. Though perhaps on different continents, the two saunas position their users in almost identical physical states, in a sense closer
  • Visual Orchestra (2001, real-time interactive digital installation) Visual Orchestra is a real-time interactive digital installation piece that provides a platform for investigating the synthesis of musical rhythms with visual rhythms. The
  • Body Language -
    Body Language represents the second generation of interactive sound installations Rokeby created. The installation used three hand-built low-resolution (8x8 pixels) video cameras (see image above) to observe a 5 metre by 5 metre space. The images
  • Echoing Narcissus -
    Echoing Narcissus is an interactive sound-sculpture in the form of a well, covered in copper sheet and printed circuit boards. It is a re-telling of Ovid's myth of Narcissus and Echo. All sounds made in the proximity of the sculpture are
  • Development of the eight cubic foot model of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory began as an optimization of an eariler model used by WIPAC for education and outreach. That version had one light per twenty DOMs represented in the IceCube array. One of
  • David screened The Visual Orchestra at the “Red Stick International Animation Festival,” largest juried animation competition in USA, Shaw Center for the Arts/Louisiana Art and Science Museum (LASM), Baton Rouge, LA, USA, 2009
    RECORD>AGAIN! 19.09.09–15.11.09 The exhibition of the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe (Centre for Art and Media Technology) continues its project of the technical and scientific processing of video art initiated by the ZKM in
  • In the frame of ISEA 2016 in Hong Kong the DIGITAL SYNESTHESIA exhibition presents 14 artworks by DIGITAL SYNESTHESIA artists Anke Eckardt, Karl Heinz Jeron, kondition pluriel (Martin Kusch / Marie-Claude Poulin), Alan Kwan, Karen Lancel / Hermen