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  • Scholar: Douglas Kahn
  • Dozent für Kunstgeschichte im Studiengang KulturMediaTechnologie an der Musikhochschule Karlsruhe, freier Journalist, Kunstkritiker, Lektor, Vortragender, Dozent.
  • Scholar: Jen Kennedy
  • Denisa Kera is a philosopher and designer based in Singapore and Prague working on open science and citizen science issues. She is involved in various open hardware projects with emphasis on supporting research infrastructure in the Global South. She...
  • Scholar: Harald Klinke
  • Professor of cultural and media studies at Lodz University, Poland, where he is a Chair of School of Media and Audiovisual Culture. Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź.

    2001 – 2006: Professor of Media Art and Media Theory, Academy of...
  • Machiko Kusahara is a scholar in media art, digital media culture and media history. She is a professor at Waseda University, Tokyo, and holds a Ph. D. in Engineering from University of Tokyo for her theoretical study on interplay between media...
  • Professor of modern culture and media, professor of history of art and architecture.
  • Scholar: André Lange
  • Scholar: Martina Leeker