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  • Event: The Tunnel under the AtlantiqueInstitution: Centre Georges PompidouComment:
  • The Tunnels: The Paris-New Delhi TunnelArtist: Maurice BenayounComment:
  • The Tunnels: The Travel TunnelArtist: Maurice BenayounComment:
  • The Twelve Loveliest Things I KnowArtist: Chris HalesComment:
  • Weibel, Peter and Otto E. Rössler. The two Levels of Reality - Exo and Endo In Art Lab 1st Symposium, The Current Condition and the Future of Digital Art, edited by Y. Shihata, 16. Tokyo, Japan: Canon, 1991.
  • Event: The Ultimate Audio-visual ExperienceInstitution: ISTComment:
  • Sutherland, Ivan E.. The Ultimate Display In Proceedings of International Federation of Information Processing, , 506-508. : 1965.
  • The Undivided Mind -
    Title of paper and presentation: Fields of Networked Mind: Ritual Consciousness and the Factor of Communitas in Networked Rites of Compassion
  • The Unemployed -
    The Unemployed is an interactive installation that visualizes worldwide unemployment, depicting the jobless as animated figures moving in an abstract representation of urban space. Viewers movements are tracked and their silhouettes are replaced by...
  • The Unframed World -
    In Virtual Reality the viewer overcomes the limited surface of a computer screen. Instead of looking through a window, the viewer exits real surroundings to become part of another world. The Unframed World is the first comprehensive presentation of...