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  • Penny, Simon. 2000 Years of Virtual Reality In Through the Looking Glass, edited by Janine Cirincione and Brian D´AmatoNew York: Jack Tilton Gallery, NY, 1993.
  • Penny, Simon. Disentangling Utopian Dreams In The Computer is not Sorry, Boston: 1993.
  • Penny, Simon. Machine Culture: The Virtual Frontier In SIGGRAPH ´93 Proceedings, edited by Simon PennyAnaheim, CAL: 1993.
  • Sakane, Itsuo. Durch Interaktive Kunst zur Selbsterkenntnis In Künstliche Spiele, edited by Florian Rötzer and Stefan Iglhaut and Georg Hartwagner, 93. München: Boer Verlag, 1993.
  • Slater, Mel and Martin Usoh. Presence in Immersive Virtual Environments In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference - Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium, IEEE Neural Networks Council, Seattle, WA, , 90-96. Seattle, WA: 1993.
  • Bec, Louis. Prolegomena In Ars Electronica 93. Genetische Kunst - Künstliches Leben, edited by Karl Gerber and Peter Weibel, 172-180. : 1993.
  • Serfözö, Sascha. Genetische Kunst - Künstliches Leben Das Kunst-Bulletin - Schweizer Kunstverein (October 1993 1993).
  • Sims, Karl. Interactive Evolution of Equations for Procedural Models The Visual Computer - International Journal of Computer Graphics (August 1993): 466-476.
  • Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. Virtuelle Architektur + Imagination film+arc 1 1 (1993).
  • Spitz, Rejane. Qualitative, Dialectical and Experiential Domains of Electronic Art In Fourth International Symposium on Electronic Art (FISEA 93), Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1993.