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  • ... the world, 1994, designed the 50th...
  • ... He currently resides in New Jersey.
  • “Our creative processes emerge from affections and expand” BOLGERI & MARÍN is an art duo formed by Carla Bolgeri and Francisco Marín that lives between Chile and Italy where they research and produce in the field of performance, music and
  • OSMOSE - video
    ... and have been designed to respond to...
  • Éphémère - video
    Ephémère is iconography evolved through Davies' long-standing practice as a painter, and, as in Osmose, is grounded in 'nature' as metaphor: archetypal elements of root, rock, and stream etc. recur throughout. In Ephémère however,
  • ... embedded human desire to have and exert...
  • The Echoes of Ambiguity within Electronic Space - A series of image files produced on a Commodore Amiga computer that were derived from ambiguous compositions of language representation - whilst being abstract yet representational of reality at the
  • The Globe Show -
    Two week fax and E-mail event and telematic workstation between Fine Art students from Newport School of Fine Art in the UK and international artist, scientists and academics.
  • Earth Signals -
    Earth Signals - A telematic "leaf shaped" installation structure housing six Commodore Amiga computers displaying image files, received via E-mail from Artists throughout the UK, for the Omphalos Gallery in Swiss Cottage London, England, June to
  • A Commodore Amiga hyper-media computer programme, based on the theme of a media reported event from the 1990 Remembrance Ceremony in Whitehall, London. A young man ran out from the crowd and set fire to himself and shouted the words "think about the