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  • Formed in 2000. Participants: Natalia Grekhova, Alexey Korzukhin, Olga Inozemtseva, Vladislav Bulatov Where Dogs Run is the name of an enthusiastic Russian artists’ collective from Yekaterinburg in the Urals, they use multimedia techniques for
  • 1973 first video experiments; in the 1980s starts a video program at the Cornish College of the Arts; since 1985 lives in Seattle (USA). Gary Hill is one of the most important contemporary artists investigating the relationships between words,
  • „Sonic Antarctica“ features natural and industrial field recordings, sonifications and audifications of science data and interviews with weather and climate scientists. The areas recorded include: the „Dry Valleys“ (77°30’S 163°00’E) on the shore of
  • Deriva -
    Deriva is a participative media performance which takes place on public space and can be followed live, through a web browser, anywhere in the world. A smartphone, attached to a bunch of helium filled balloons, broadcasts out of control images and
  • Cox has authored many papers and monologues on computer graphics, information design, education, and scientific visualization. She developed the concept of "Renaissance Teamsî in 1987 and has given over 100 invited presentations of her academic
  • "transmediale is the biggest and most significant festival for art and the creative usage of digital media in Germany. Once a year the festival presents new and outstanding projects in the field of digital culture and provides reflexions on the role
  • The range of images, films, music and texts on the internet is growing rapidly. All digitally available elements can be used as material to make new collages. For this reason, many artists scour the internet’s servers for raw material to integrate
  • Andres Burbano is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Design at Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Colombia. Burbano holds a Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California Santa Barbara where he wrote a
  • Bill Viola has been instrumental in the establishment of video as a vital form of contemporary art, and in so doing has helped to greatly expand its scope in terms of technology, content, and historical reach. For 40 years he has created videotapes,
  • Event: Glenn Gould ConferenceInstitution: CBC Broadcast CenterComment: