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  • ...This series prints show six wire-framed body images of “Eve Clone” in six angles excerpted from the video of “Making of Eve Clone I”. Also, the...
  • Echo 9 -
    ... in the Ectoplasmic Kitchen series. It’s one of the few images in my collection that exists as an original Cibachrome print...
  • ... are employees of Industrial Light and Magic, Pacific Data Images, Metro Light, Pixar, Rezn8, Silicon Graphics Inc., USA Today,...
  • ... processes of [re]production, transmission and printing of images emerged with the printer in the 60s and related to the Media...
  • ... his work : Moya write his name (1979/1989) - Moya tags anonymous images with his name (1990 /1996) - Little « Moya » appears alone in...
  • ... Mignonneau. Trans Plant II In 3D Beyond the Stereography: Images and Technology Gallery Exhibition Theme, edited by T....
  • ...Kelly, Kevin. Genetic Images. When Computers Breed Art and Humans Direct the Flow of Fate, Startling, Alien Beauty is Born Wired Magazine ...
  • Territorism - video
    ... transformation that manifests in projection, in artificial images, is further escalated when toys and games are once again...
  • ... use of mesh wrapping and perspective technology for digital images. Videos featuring large, bold fonts slowly flow outwards,...
  • ...Grau, Oliver. New Images from Life In Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les Arts, edited by Ryszard KluszinskyVol.II (XI). , 7-25. Lodz: Grotesk, ...