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  • ... apps, video, and interactive installations. His art is in the...
  • ... media, is known for video installations / animations with social...
  • ... prints, generative artworks and installations. Stanza is an expert in...
  • ... to be exhibited both as installations and online. meniscus... science and then playing with photography, experimental film and...
  • ... and haptic objects to their installations. Sound meets wood and... Gigolo Records, Crippled Dick Hot Wax, Third Ear, Hatje Cantz, Verlag...
  • ... temporary interferences, installations, land-art, sound art,... watercolor, collage and photography. Stylistically his work is...
  • ... product design and bespoke art installations. Troika has exhibited...
  • ... computers also includes installations with web components. email list. His work combines photography, woodblock printmaking and...
  • ... culture. Interactive installations dramatizing historical...
  • ... mostly focused on interactive installations, creative programming,...