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  • Fisher, Scott S.. The Eye in Time: Looking Back InterCommunication 4 (Spring 1993).
  • Fisher, Scott S. and John O. Merritt, ed. Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IV. Proc. SPIE1915, Cambridge: 1993.
  • Flusser, Vilém. Gesellschaftsspiele In Künstliche Spiele, edited by Florian Rötzer and Stefan IglhautGrafrath, DE: Boer Verlag, 1993.
  • Frank, Peter. Intriguing Works by New Generation of Women Artists Long Beach Press-Telegram (March 1993): 14.
  • Holmgren, Douglas and Warren Robinett. Scanned Laser Displays for Virtual Reality: A Feasibility Study Presence 2, no. 3 (Summer 1993).
  • Hierholzer, Michael. Der Kaktus ist der Killer Frankfurter Allgemeine (February 14th 1993).
  • Herken, Rolf. Jury Statement In Der Prix Ars Electronica: International Compendium of the Computer Arts, edited by Christine Schöpf and Christian Schenk and Paul Pritchard, 18. Linz: Veritas-Verlag, 1993.
  • InterCommunication Center Tokyo, ed. Media Passage. Tokyo: NTT Publishing Co., 1993.
  • Krueger, Myron. The Experience Society Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 2, no. 2 (1993): 162-168.
  • Krueger, Myron. The Emperor´s New Realities Virtual Reality World (Nov./Dec. 1993): 18-33.