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  • ... dimension to these physical spaces. Drawing on techniques from visual arts, film, social and physical sciences, Julius develops the...
  • ...Allen, Rebecca. 'Fire and Air', 'Laberint' In Visual Proceedings, edited by John Grimes and Gray LorigChigaco: 1992.
  • ...Legrady, George. Pockets Full of Memories In Visual Communication, edited by Theo Van LeeuwenVol.1. , 163-169. London: Sage Publications, 2002.
  • ...r, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. MIC Exploration Space In Siggraph’96 Visual Proceedings, New York: ACM, 1996.
  • ...Suzanne Anker is a visual artist and theorist working at the intersection of art and the biological sciences. She works in a variety of mediums...
  • ... (national modern art studio, France) and at UQAM’s school of visual and media art. Chatonsky’s body of work, including interactive...
  • ...rau, Oliver. Datenbank der Virtuellen Kunst In Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts 2001, , 135-140. Berlin: 2001.
  • ... of architecture and digital media art, he was educated in visual art at Queen’s University, in technology at Humber College, and...
  • ... of California at San Diego (UCSD) where he is a Professor of Visual Arts and the head of New Media Arts for the California...
  • ... our living conditions through her constructions of visual languages that explore topics of self-existence. She was...