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  • ... of media arts in Cologne, Computer science and Sociology at the...
  • ... to be created. The advent of computer photographic imaging expanded...
  • ... Research. He write a generative computer program called Tierra that...
  • ... the number one festival for computer related art. His film...
  • ... was to analyze Internet age and computerized communication, whether... was to analyze Internet age and computerized communication, whether...
  • ... on tracking and surveillance systems has resulted in a peripheral... dolls are controlled by a PC computer. The computer automatically...
  • Time and Time again -
    ... such as circuits, gears, and computer boards. A robotic,...
  • Time Stratum III -
    ... of moving shapes. I used 4 computers, one for the real-time...
  • Timeless Universe -
    ... and fragment them using computer codes I have written. The...
  • ... Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia (VSMM´99)...