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  • America`s Finest -
    In 1830, both the camera and the colt revolver were invented. more than a half century later, in 1888 Etienne Jules Maray perfected a gun that substituted film for bullets. There has long been a historical relationship between the camera and the gun,...
  • Die Wand, der Vorhang (Grenze, die) fachsprachlich auch: LascauxArtist: Peter WeibelComment:
  • Woolford: Cyber Sex. -
    This was the first piece examining the possibilities of haptical sensations transmitted through ISDN-connections. An archaic piece of extreme media and meanwhile a classic.

  • cyberSM -
    The cyberSM project was an attempt to create a real time, visual, auditory, and tactile communication in the world of cyberspace. In the first cyberSM experiment, the user began to experience what others have only talked about for years: live,...
  • Equipements which exchange views between two persons.
    You can only see through the other person's eyes when you wear these machines, which forcibly put you in the other's place. These were made to obscure the border between identities of two...
  • Light/Depth -
    A public art for skaters.
    A sculpture done in collaboration with MATSUO Haruyuki,which skateboarders can skate on. The desire to have an art work for skaters, this sculpture was made as a public art even though it was my first work. Reproduced in...
  • Not only does god play dice... but he sometimes throws them where they can't be seen - Stephen Hawking

    THE MACHINE IN THE GARDEN is an interactive videodisc installation dealing with gambling and spirituality, twin distillates of our...
  • To Touch
    It seems that a simple wooden table is the only object in a smoothly lighted room. To touch - to finger, to contact, to handle. The common museum traditions, meaning that the viewer is a viewer from distance, are turned around. The art pieces starts...
  • Do-Undo -
    Do-Undo allows a participant to do perform movements in a spaceand immediately see the movements forwards and backwards.

    User Experience:
    The participant stands in a space in front of a camera and video projection system. On the screen...
  • 11.
    Diamond Lake Apocalypse, Pathway, 1993
    22" by 30"
    Pen plotted drawing.

    Diamond Lake Apocalypse, Burning Bush, 2000
    23" by 29"
    Pen plotted drawing.

    Diamond Lake Apocalypse, Canon I, 1999
    23" by 29"
    Pen plotted drawing.