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  • Biomer Skelters (“biome” + “helter-skelter“) is a crowd sourced, wild growth forest-to-rainforest propagator that creates a city-wide public artwork by connecting participants’ interior biorhythms to exterior urban ecosystems.
  • Robles-Angel, C. et al. Biomedical Signals in Media Art. Manizales: ISEA, 2018.
  • Hauser, Jens. Biomediality and Art In Recomposing Art and Science: Artists-in-Labs, edited by Irene Hediger and Jill Scott, 201-219. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016.
  • presenting "A-Volve" from the ZKM Media Museum Collection
  • BIOMA -
    Conceived as a sculpture/interface that obtains biometric color and sound data from the environment. The work is activated with a noise level higher than the one configured to start making a visual sweep that is altered by the sound wave. With this...
  • Richard, Birgit. Biologie und Fake Life Construction - Kommunikationssplitter aus
    dem Netzsymposium zu LifeScience In Ars Electronica 1999: LifeScience, edited by Gerfried Stocker and Christine Schöpf, 30-46. Wien, New York: Springer Verlag, ...
  • Marta de Menezes. Biological Artworks Genesis: life at the end of the information age (2007).
  • Robles, Claudia. Biofeedback and Choreography Performative Science and Beyond, Involving the Process in Research, Hans. H. Diebner editor, Springer Verlag. ISBN 978- 3- 211-33357-0 (2006): 146 – 147.
  • Biodesign -
    Event: BiodesignInstitution: The New Institute Comment:
  • ROCHA, Adson and Cristiano MIOSSO and Camila HAMDAN and Leci AUGUSTO. Biocybrid Systems and the Reengineering of Life Three-Dimensional Imaging, Interaction, and Measurement 7864 1A (february 2011).