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  • Biopsia - video
    This piece is a kinetic sculpture consisting in a disc where a drop of colored water falls from the ceiling at regular intervals. An animation of a clockwork mechanism, revolving around the color stains, is projected onto the disc. It was part of the...
  • The biopoem "Erratum I" is what Kac calls a "biotope", that is, a living work that changes in response to internal metabolism and environmental conditions, including temperature, relative humidity, airflow, and light levels in the exhibition space....
  • Biopoetry
    Kac, Eduardo. Biopoetry
  • Biopoetry
    Kac, Eduardo. Biopoetry. Berlin: AcquAvivA, 2016.
  • Willet, Jennifer. BIOPLAY: Bacteria Cultures [].
  • Willet, Jennifer. BIOPLAY: Bacteria Cultures [16.07.2014].
  • Bioplay
    Hoppe-Sailer, Richard. Bioplay In Philosophie der natürlichen Mittwelt: Grundlagen - Probleme - Perspektiven, edited by Hans Werner Ingensiep and Anne Eusterschulte, 257-272. Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen and Neumann, 2002.
    2011 Hans Arp Museum "BIOMORPH!" (27th May - 22nd January 2012) Hans Arp, Angelika Arendt -Jackie Brookner, Bonnie Collura, Tony Cragg, Jachym Fleig, Julie Hayward, Bodo Korsig, Gerhard Mantz, Maix Mayer, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer,...
  • Berlot, Uršula. Biomimesis and Contemporary Art Journal for Critique of Science, Imagination and New Anthropology. Ljubljana: Študentska založba XXXIX, 2011, no. 244 (2011).
  • Biometric identificationsystems like Irisscanning use mathematical methods to identify personal characteristics. The BiometricSoundEngine works the same way. Personal data like the color information of the human iris is not used for surveillance or...