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  • BIRLINGHOVEN CASTLE AI: IMAGE SYNTHESIS WITH CONNECTION MACHINE CM-5 In the early 1990s, AI image generation was an exciting field. At the GMD - National Research Center for Information Technology, we used the Thinking Machines’ CM-5, a parallel...
  • Artist: Birgit BachlerComment:
  • Birds in the Hat (1968), presents an iconic example of an early plotter drawing, a printing technique that allowed for an ink pen to be guided by digital input. Executed using an IBM 7094 computer and a drum plotter, this work mathematically...
  • Biotopia -
    Event: BiotopiaInstitution: Overgaden Institute of Contemporary ArtComment:
  • Brown, Richard and Lane Giles, ed. Biotica: Art, Emergence and Artificial Life. London: RCA Computer Related Design Research, 2001.
  • Biotica -
    An immersive journey into a world of artificial-life creatures.
    Viewers use their arms to fly and navigate in a virtual 3D world of evolving, swimming and pulsing a-life creatures.

  • Willet, Jennifer. BIOTEKNICA: Teratogenic Strategies for Critical BioArt Production [16.07.2014].
  • Willet, Jennifer and Shawn Bailey. BIOTEKNICA: Soft Experiments from the Laboratory [].
  • Willet, Jennifer and Shawn Bailey. BIOTEKNICA: Self-Experimentation and Tissue Culture INTER Art Actuel (2006).
  • Willet, Jennifer. BIOTEKNICA: Reflections on Reproductive and Cloning Technologies Graduate Researcher: Journal for the Arts Science and Technology 1, no. 2 (2003).