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  • Latenza. Other informations of poetryArtist: Francesco AprileComment:
  • Gogoame -
    How much does a word weight? How would letters and characters behave if they were subjected to physical forces similar to those observed and experienced in the concrete world? Gogoame is a net art experiment that continue the tradition of literary...
  • KALEIDOSKOP functions as a very large and completely walkable lightbox. On its surface float in separate layers inks in cyan, magenta and yellow (CMY). But these colors what we see are not there, they do not exist outside of our head, they are...
  • "The Real, the Virtual and the We, (re-activating Lygia Clark's The I and the You: Clothing/Body/Clothing, 1967"Artist: Gabriela Aceves SepúlvedaComment:
  • Description on What if we could feel on our bodies the presence of others at a distance? Haptic Field is a participatory multi-sensory installation merging contemporary fashion, wearable technology and an exploration of the senses...
  • AL GRANO: Augmented Cereals (Version 02) showing a gallery visitor interacting with the piece using a smartphone and an app (aurasma). This is Augmented Reality work lives in two spaces: in a supermarket cereal aisle in which consumers interact with...
  • Terrapattern is a tool for exploring the unmapped and the unmappable: a system for finding ?"more like this, please" in satellite photos. It can also be described as "a visual search engine for satellite imagery", "similar-image search for satellite...
  • Geode - video
    Taking the shape of a glowing, organic crystal, Geode is a 12-feet-tall video mapped sculpture that fuses soundscape, public art and visual projection into one immersive experience. Each surface of the crystal flows and ebbs with improvisational...
  • Programmed ArtArtist: Karen AlekyanComment:
  • A personal and unique birthday celebration with the hebrew custom of ‘raising the chair’ with the celebrator. Visitors are asked a question: HOW OLD DO YOU FEEL? they can choose any age from 1 to 120 once pressed, a large 1:1 scaled projection of a...