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  • A large scale installation which included a 20 foot screen in portrait displaying a psychiatrist under hypnosis describing an environment, a representation of which was then constructed in two spaces beyond the screen. The work focused on the
  • The Meadow -
    THE MEADOW explores and manifests the metaphorical space which lies between the 'simulated' and the 'real' - a space to which artists are inevitably drawn. Ambiguity and irony also share this space, and it is here that new
  • Gaia EVII, 5. 30" by 22", 1995. Algorithmic pen and ink drawing with artist's studio seal in red. The seal characters read "Little Path Studio" for "Pathway Studio". Las piezas de la serie “Gaia” son caracterizadas por una fuerte semejanza
  • 28. Endpiece, #79, 1990 Open: 6" by 20" Pen plotted drawing. The limited edition of 125 copies, bound in leather, was pulled by hand at the St. Sebastian Press in Minneapolis in 1990. Each copy has original, "one of a kind", tipped in front
  • The Library -
    As the Y2K media frenzy and millennium celebrations reached a fever pitch in late 1999, the finishing touches were being put on the design of one of the most ambitious VRML projects on the internet today. With the assistance of modellers, animators
  • 4. West-East 2. 2000 Paper Size: 23" by 29" Pen and ink plotted drawing. Linear fields address the attraction and repulsion of opposites - their similarity and their difference are presented simultaneously as "West-East" or "Heaven and
  • This interactive installation addresses mass media and manipulation in postmodern culture. In this mediawork individualism and narcissism are revealed as inextricably linked to new electronic technologies and capitalist consumerism. The interface
  • Well, things don't always turn out the way you plan - this project certainly didn't. I learned a couple of things: 1/ Magnetic core memory is very hard to find. 2/ Most people who are interested in magnetic core memory are very
  • The spatial musical instrument is constructed of old mobile phones donated by people and a MIDI keyboard. Listen the recording of the performance in Estonian Concert Hall. The musician plays the keyboard and the phones ring composing a concert of
  • BICYCLE TV is a rider controlled real-time video tour of a scenic landscape in the Canadian countryside. This interactive installation consists of a 1950's style bicycle with a colour monitor (mounted in front of the bicycle facing the