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  • Originally working in the field of literature, Benjamin Britton moved into video and computers in the early 80's, creating videotapes and installations, videodiscs, and now is working with interactive digital media as an artform. His principle
  • Nadarajan, Gunalan. Spectres of the Animal: The Transgenic Works of Eduardo Kac In The Eighth Day: The Transgenic Art of Eduardo Kac, edited by Sheilah Britton and Dan Collins, 44-50. Tempe: The Institute for Studies in the Arts, Arizona State
  • Dvě ženy/Two women -
    Vašulka Kitchen Brno exhibits two video works by audiovisual artist Matthew Ostrowski, in which a New York native deconstructs the film medium in a new artistic rendering, revealing the hidden meaning of the motifs, shots and messages of the
  • "The Living Room" is an intelligent, interactive image, sound and voice environment. It becomes "alive" and starts to "sense" when users enter and interact with this room. Like in a perfect surveillance system all sounds, voices, gestures and
  • The Potential Thief -
    New performance installation exploring the relationship between the individual and cinematic image. Performers and audience members negotiate one another’s movements as they copy excerpts from films. Three audience members are asked to join each
  • Pikapika -
    Meet Pikapika--a character influenced by anime and manga; Japanese pop animation and comics. Pikapika embodies movements from bunraku (puppet theater), a movement vocabulary Tomie Hahn studied while learning nihon buyo (Japanese traditional dance)
  • "je suis (un readymade)" is a touchscreen television installation. Each participant directs his or her own experience through this unfolding discourse surrounding the issue of "free speech" in a mass media environment. Individuals find themselves
  • Media Bombs -
    From a master missile installed in the center of space, 36 Media Bombs drop out. A crystal TV is embedded in each of the bombs, and the monitors broadcast programs of stock information from all over the world. The programs, each broadcast from a
  • Poetrica -
    Poetrica is an investigation about reading and reception in entropic and cybrid situations and a practice of appropriation of the advertisement system as public space. It was launched at Galeria Vermelho, in São Paulo, 2003, and closed in
  • Stills from a series of computer generated animations These works were produced using a home-built S-100 bus system employing asynchronous 8MHz/11MHz 8080/8088 (8 bit/16 bit) CPU's and Matrox video cards with home-developed digital to analogue