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  • Pine Family -
    ... the underground networks, information sharing and mutual support...
  • ... Productions and others. His former students have worked on such...
  • photography-film-coffee-neural networks-quantum physics-string theory-astrophysics-art-books-dogs
  • Vesna, Victoria. From Bodies to Networks to Nanosystems and Back Artmedia VIII (2003).
  • Kwangju Biennale 2004 -
    ... the world – to create a platform for active discussion and dialogue...
  • Tele-Lectures -
    ... films provides additional information about the context of the...
  • Goldberg, Ken and George Bekey, ed. Neural Networks in Robotics. Dordrecht, NL: Kluwer Academic, 1993.
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Fleischmann. Through Artificial Neural Networks into Virtual Realities In Proceedings of ICASSE´94, Erlangen: 1994.
  • ... "soundworks," tele-performances, installations, publications,...
  • Arteries -
    Arteries is a digital public art project based on a town/city in the South West region. The theme is the the structure of a town/city as a living and constantly changing organism; The 'body' of the town or city having no rigid boundaries