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  • Layers of Visibility -
    Between 2013 and 2017, a series of artists associated with the University of Plymouth, UK, responded to Cyprus through residencies at Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre. The works included in the exhibition and publication indicate a range of different
  • Layers of Visibility -
    Between 2013 and 2017, a series of artists associated with the University of Plymouth, UK, responded to Cyprus through residencies at Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre. The works included in the exhibition and publication indicate a range of different
  • Sean Cubitt is Professor of Film and Television and co-Head of the Department of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London; Professorial Fellow of the University of Melbourne and Honorary Professor of the University of Dundee. His
  • Beryl Graham is an artist, curator, writer and educator with a special interest in curating and new media art. She is a Research Professor at the University of Sunderland, and co-founder and co-editor of the website CRUMB, Curatorial Resource for
  • Broadbent, Donald, ed. The Simulation of Human Intelligence. Wolfson College Lectures Series, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1993.
  • Televents
    Numerous disillusionary manipulations of domestic TV sets were made for a television broadcast by the V.P.R.O. For instance, the TV screen was replaced with a white painted black balloon on which film was projected - when the balloon was inflated
  • Faxpoem
    Fax transmited from Chicago to: - "City Portraits: The Suburbs", fax exchange with group Art Reseaux, École Municipale D'Arts Plastiques, Rosny Sous Bois, France, 1990 - "The Globe Show", fax exchange with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery,
  • The Tele-Actor -
    We are studying network-based systems that allow groups of users to "explore" live remote environments such as a rainforest, biotechnology lab, political rally, or rock concert. The "Tele-Actor" is a skilled human with cameras and microphones
  • Quarxs - video
    Quarxs was one of the earliest computer animated series (3D Computer graphics, 12 films on total of three minutes each). Persiflage of science shows on TV, playful and fantastic exploration of digital graphics and questioning the order of things in
  • Exhibition of 20 Micro Arts Group prints, including generative art from Geoff Davis and Martin Rootes, and a story generator by Geoff Davis. The print magazine was also shown, which had the first ever view of Quantel art, by French artist Michèle