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  • ... means of machine learning and computer vision; That there is...
  • kondition pluriel is an interdisciplinary digital performance group based in Montreal and Vienna, formed by Marie-Claude Poulin and Martin Kusch. Since its beginnings in 2000, the collective has focused on exploring the performative possibilities of
  • ... as an interface linking digital systems andaudio-visual environments....
  • ... parallel to the development of computer and internet environment,...
  • ... of synesthesia through computer animated geometry.
  • ... artist since his early work on computer in the mid-80s : now he is the...
  • ... and voluntary pauses of the computer mouse, as it hovers and clicks...
  • Eduardo Kac, pioneer of multiple art genres like Telematic Art, Transgenic Art and Bio Art, guides us through 40 years of radical changes in the body-technology relationship, offering different approaches on how to reflect the boundaries of human
  • Media Art Learning -
    ... Im Projekt „ArtDeCom- Art Design Computer” liegt der Schwerpunkt der...
  • ... artificial and biological systems - and how he, as an... as the rise of the personal computerand the transition to a global...