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  • Cadence -
    Animated film poem created with a constellation of common wayside flowers, gathered during walks on land reclaimed from the sea along the shore of the Laira estuary, on the coast of SW Britain, an endangered habitat now threatened by coastal erosion...
  • CADcast -
    CADcast is a system for projecting instructions into 3-D workspaces. It supports users in constructing three dimensional structures with greater efficiency and more accuracy. The system also supports improved coordination between the design and...
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. CAD in Architektur und Design. Die ergonomische Gestaltung von Räumen NOVUM: Hewlett Packard Magazin 4 (1990).
  • Cacophony (3 minutes) weaves historic events in the fields of art and the politics. It nears different situations and it presents them visually from the point-of-view of the media, the spectacle, dissolving their contents in a crescent aesthetic &...
  • Cáceres Abierto 2017 -
    Cáceres Abierto is a contemporary art and culture programme that integrates interventions in the public spaces, exhibitions, panels and workshops. A set of proposals that are symbolic as well as practical, respectful of the community and the...
  • Cabin fever -
    In Cabin Fever, Cardiff and Miller reference traditional museum displays by using the formal structure of the diorama to transport the viewer into a scene depicting a cabin set deep in the woods. The captivating soundtrack, draws the viewers into the...
  • C. E. B. REAS (b. 1972, United States) lives and works in Los Angeles. His software, prints, and installations have has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions at museums and galleries in the United States, Europe, and Asia.

  • C'70 -
    Event: C'70Institution: SchouwburgpleinComment: