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  • ... Here, the 360 º fulldome-space brings together heterogeneous forms of presences generated by capture and visualization technologies...
  • ... She is a member of the design team that has developed Life Forms, the computer compositional tool for choreography, and has been...
  • ... capture the action of the robot and release amounts of liquid for their basic needs. Life in the environment is a result of the...
  • ...Machado, Arlindo. The Migrant Forms of Diana Domingues Centro Cultural Cândido Mendes (1990).
  • Geomart-ut24 -
    ... I try to present a transformation where simple geometric forms can gain movement and turn into complex structures in a world of...
  • ... used the potential of live audio visual media and the internet for performing in their work. Their Gunafa Clubbings were the first...
  • Double Helix Swing -
    ... Each swarm develops its own speed and rhythm. And each swarm formsitself into an axis which is circled by the midges in both...
  • ... are set to the sounds of social events such as football, Formula One racing or group laughter. In these, people develop their...
  • ... Encased in glass domes, the 3D prints show the structural formula of fructose, amylase, and polylactic acid (PLA), constituents...
  • ... one specific step of this quest, is offered with an original formula delivered to the collector for his/her exclusive use. More...