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  • Gray MatterArtist: Paul DeMarinisComment:
  • 10.
    Gaia E VIII, 1995.
    Paper Size: 30" by 22"
    Pen plotter drawing.

    Familial Resemblance. The software procedure generates a "family" of forms with a strong familial resemblance. These works resemble each other because they were created...
  • Wall Street, Buy or Sell?Artist: Roman VerostkoComment:
  • Bricks -
    Bricks is a Graspable User Interface which allows direct control of electronic or virtual objects through physical handles for control. These physical artifacts are essentially new input devices which can be tightly coupled or “attached” to virtual...
  • 60 -
    "60" is a version of "Very Nervous System" designed especially for the "I am Listening" show of sound sculptures at the Glendon Gallery at York University, Toronto, Canada. "60" uses the softVNS.htmlI motion processor, and a additive synthesis...
  • Watch -
    Construction of an artificial perception systems, electronic systems that are able to see. Usually, the actual images are seen only by the system, which replies to what it sees with interpretive sounds or music. (source:...
  • The virtual space created by Dancing with the Virtual Dervish provides interaction and chance participation between artists and public. A dancer in goggles and gloves interacts with intelligent and controllable computer generated objects while a...
  • Ripple -
    "p-Soup" and the forerunner "Ripple" are more formal graphic approaches to the Internet and the computer, using the possibilities of the Internet as an interactive shared space for creating aesthetic experience. (source:...
  • [spaces] -
    [spaces]Artist: Mark NapierComment:
  • The Castle -
    The Castle is a large scale interactive video projection designed for specific architectural sites. The title makes reference to Kafka's novel of the same name, the work taking as its subject the incomprehensible character of systems of...