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  • The installation proposes some poetic moments inside body’ landscapes using images of a scrutinezed body by technological medical devices. An internal camera circuit travel generates videolaparoscopies of viscera, coming from a surgery, that are...
  • Lautriv's body is an interactive sculpture. Both sexes are contained in unique figure, composed by a synthesis of classical forms: the head of Medusa, the ears (serpents) of Medusa, the chest and hand of Discobolo and the abdomen and legs of Venus di...
  • Cathartic User Interface 1.0 and 2.0 (CUI) are interactive,
    multi-participant installations that allow users to quickly and
    effectively work through their conflicting emotions concerning the
    benevolent yet pernicious influences of computer...
  • The Trill-machine -
    A machine that sets an entire building in motion through vibrations. Use of this device will consequently result in the ultimate destruction of the building.

  • Photogenetics -
    A project done as a workshop of The Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo.
    The theme of this project is "Morphing". By compounding the elements of two faces selected from people who came to the workshop, you can...
  • World System -
    The theme of this project is "re-design for telephone".
    Winner of Japan Art Scholorship. This is a model of a flying TV-telephone which by itself float to find and link to other people (just like WWW). An idea "What if the original telephone should...
  • Mega Diary
    Open Diary project to understand the unrelated person.
    This is a project which opens many people's everyday lives to the public through computer networking. Participants write down diaries on a bulletin board on internet for 100 days. This project...
  • Inhabit the Meat of your Body is an interactive video installation / performance created using Mandala on an Amiga. Participants are taken on a roller-coaster ride inside a human body while standing in front of a large video screen. A video camera...
  • The Dark Pool -
    Internetproject, have a look at
  • Elastic Surgery -
    ELASTIC SURGERY is an artwork that allows a participant to perform subtle or gross distortions to his or her own face. While some of the changes may be possible by conventional plastic surgery, most could only be achieved by these electronic means,...