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  • McLaren, Sylver. Artist puts Surrey on the map North Shore News, British Columbia, Canada (September 13, 2004 2004).
  • Laurence, Robin. Photos, Film Capture Surrey's Non-Identity Georgia Straight paper (British Columbia, Canada) (September 2, 2004 2004).
  • Born in Adelaide, Australia in 1957, new media artist Simon Biggs emerged as one of a small number of Australian artists during the 1970’s who were experimenting with electronic and digital media. With initial influences from diverse sources, such
  • María Fernández is Associate Professor in the Department of History of Art and Visual Studies at Cornell University and currently serves as Director of Graduate Studies. She received her doctorate in art history from Columbia University in 1993. Her
  • Italian-born Marco Donnarumma is a performer, musician and writer based in London. He explores the dimensions of the human body in relation to real, virtual and cultural spaces through performances, concerts and installations. In his works, sound,
  • Leith, David. At the Nexus of Digital Art and Technology The Georgia Straight newspaper (British Columbia, Canada) (December 13-20, 2001 2001).
  • British Avantgarde -
    Event: British AvantgardeInstitution: Floriade - Stuurgroep Haarlemmerméér GroenComment:
  • Medals of Dishonour -
    Event: Medals of DishonourInstitution: British MuseumComment:
  • “Optronica,” curated international audiovisual festival
  • Event: 28th Cambridge Film FestivalInstitution: BFI British Film InstituteComment: