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  • I am an artist, living and working in Vienna. Having been trained at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Digital Arts), my focus is on sculpture and smart materials, with an interest in the intersections of art and science, as well as video art,
  • Martin John Callanan is an artist and researcher exploring notions of citizenship within the globally connected world. Concerns include information, data, and knowledge. Martin John Callanan is an artist whose work spans numerous mediums and
  • Event: Emotion ForecastInstitution: Centre of the Arts, Enghien-les-BainsComment:
  • Event: Out of The DumpInstitution: Centre des Arts d’Enghien les BainsComment:
  • Event: Brain Factory, Festival des Bains NumériquesInstitution: Centre des Arts, Enghien les BainsComment:
  • Event: Ubiquité et emotionInstitution: PREAC “Les lieux et les temps de l’image”, Videoconference, Centre des Arts, Enghien les Bains and CRDP CréteilComment:
  • Event: Open Art, L’art après la technologieInstitution: Centre des Arts, Enghien les BainsComment:
  • Event: Recherches et travaux, Bains NumériquesInstitution: Centre des Arts, Enghien les BainsComment:
  • Riding the Net -
    Event: Riding the NetInstitution: Centre des Arts d’Enghien les BainsComment:
  • Event: Biennal Internationale Bains NumériquesInstitution: Centre of the Arts, Enghien-les-BainsComment: