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  • ... Mignonneau. Interactive Plant Growing In Images du Futur – L’art interactif, edited by M....
  • ... Mignonneau. Trans Plant In Imagination - Images and Technology Gallery Exhibition Theme I, ...
  • ... appeals was its ability to rescurrect images of the death. Beloff´s embrace of...
  • ... to “get the darn things to generate pretty images easily”. Still striving for that goal, with a...
  • ... in the field of language and images. He was awarded a prize at the Madrid...
  • ...Arnheim, Rudolf. The Coming and Going of Images Leonardo 33, no. 3 (2000): 167-168.
  • ...Legrady, George. Images, Language and Belief in Synthesis In Critical Issues in Electronic Media, ...
  • ... and Michael A. Holly. Visual Culture: Images and Interpretations. Middletown, CT, USA:...
  • ... a citation chapter, Soundworks, as CD and images for Beyond 440 Cycles per Second by Volker...
  • ... these works, including sculpture, still images and film, adding further dimension to the...