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  • Born in Mascara, Algeria in March 1957, from a father killed before his birth in the Algerian independence war. He moved to France in 1958, following his mother and his brother, to live in popular suburbs in north Paris where the family stayed
  • Ellen Pearlman is a New York based media artist, curator, writer and critic. She is a Research Fellow at MIT, Senior Research Assistant Professor at RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia and a Contributing Editor to Performance Arts Journal (PAJ) MIT
  • Bush, Vannevar. As We May Think The Atlantic Monthly 176, no. 1 (1945): 101-108.
  • Dr. Maria Roussou is an Associate Professor (tenured) in Interactive Systems (i.e. Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual Reality, Computer Games) at the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
  • I was born in Venezuela and moved to the United States in 2000. I’m an artist originally trained as a Civil Engineer with a Master of Fine Arts degree with an emphasis in printmaking at the Florida Atlantic University. My current work explores a
  • Pearlman,Ellen. Nothing and Everything: The Influence of Buddhism On the American Avant Garde, 1942-1962.. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 2012.
  • Benayoun, M.. Connecting and Disrupting Public Spaces: from the “Tunnel under the Atlantic” to the Open Sky Campus ISEA2015 (2015).
  • Event: le Tunnel sous l'Atlantique (the Tunnel under the Atlantic),Institution: Musée d'Art contemporain de Montréal Comment:
  • Event: le Tunnel sous l'Atlantique (the Tunnel Under the Atlantic)Institution: Pompidou CentreComment:
  • Christopher Salter is a media artist, performance director and composer/sound designer based in Montreal, Canada and Berlin, Germany. His artistic and research interests revolve around the development and production of real time,