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  • ... past, as well as present approaches, “Artificial Paradise? Immersion in Space and Time” will bring together recent immersive works by twelve international artists with works newly commissioned for the exhibition. The immersion in an image, in its...
  • ... continuously repeating the phrases which they learned while humans were only wondering how our planet could be saved. The immersive installation lures the viewer to an era post-Anthropocene, in which humanity has long been extinct. All that remains are...
  • Delvaux's Dream -
    ... it if he watches himself on a control monitor. Here, Bielicky's goal is not so much exploration of the painting as an immersive construct, felt as such by the spectator, but rather the sense of delocalisation felt by the spectator as he evolves within...
  • Cadence (2022) by Kayla Parker is an animated film poem created with a constellation of common wayside flowers, gathered during walks on land reclaimed from the sea along the shore of the Laira estuary, on the coast of SW Britain.
  • ...The audio-visual environment “Web of Life” is formed by an immersive conjunction of projected three-dimensional computer graphic and video images, together with a fully spatialized acoustic experience and a specially conceived architectural surrounding. The visitor...
  • ...Ethan Bach is internationally known for his media art which is primarily in immersive and interactive media. Bach received an MFA in Electronic Arts from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2008 and BA in Media Production from The Evergreen State College in 1996. Ethan...
  • Geode - video
    ... crystal, Geode is a 12-feet-tall video mapped sculpture that fuses soundscape, public art and visual projection into one immersive experience. Each surface of the crystal flows and ebbs with improvisational geometry that responds to real-time audio...
  • Pabellon Macondo -
    ... this fictional town of Macondo into the global zeitgeist.2 Imagining Macondo, featured in the Macondo pavilion, functions as an immersive trigger for the imagination and integrates García Márquez’s literary themes and technologies of the 21st century by...
    ... goods, people and processes of decay. As visitors step onto the surface of the image, they enter into a sonically immersive space. Parabolic speaker elements, which focus sound into extremely localized areas, aurally project a multichannel sonic...
  • ... in this exhibition explore interactivity and the possibilities opened up by multimedia and electronic technologies to create immersive experiences while bringing physicality and play to the digital medium. These interactive installations and sculptures have...