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  • Three City Link -
    ... Fadon), Boston (led by Dana Moser), and Pittsburgh (the DAX [Digital Art Exchange] Group). A slow-scan television system connected to a three-way telephone conference call allowed the artists to exchange images and generate a visual reflection on the...
  • ... Telecommunications event between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo uniting fax and live TV, 1988. Connecting the public medium of television with the private medium of the fax this work created a system of feedback based on the continuous exchange and transformation of...
  • Walk Münster -
    ... the "Sculpture. Projects in Münster 1997," or a history of Münster, the listener hears voices and sounds that are partially connected in some way to each separate environment: for instance, the twittering of birds, pealing of bells, and street noise. These...
  • ... virtual nervous system. From anywhere in the world one can feel what's happening anywhere else in real time as long as it is connected to the Net and is English speaking. Internet is the first self-organised worldwide language-and-socially filtered...
  • ... with ARTEM (Acronyme d’Arts, Technologie, Management) and CIRTES, Looking for technicians Maurice Benayoun and the CITU got connected to CIRTES (Centre Français de prototypage rapide, Claude Barlier), which (in St Dié des Vosges, the world’s capital of...
  • Entanglement -
    ... there is a normal light switch that turns it on and off. However, the light switches are also linked through two computers connected to the Internet. In this way the neon signs automatically write email to each other so that they are both either ON or OFF...
  • Sonicity -
    ... software and custom built software for real time data over networks. Mote proxy is a java middle-ware environment for connecting up xbow motes to get access to the data outside moteview and directly off the motes. It is now in version two and sits...
  • span 3 -
    ... Jeroen Doorenweerd & Rijksgebouwendienst, Douanekantoor Maasvlakte Many miles away from the actual location, yet connected via the Internet, Isabelle Jenniches directs public robotic webcams to scan the picture plane bit by bit. Over the course...
    ...In Unprepared Piano, a Yamaha disklavier grand piano is connected to a database of music MIDI files appropriated and compiled from all over the web. This library of electronic scores is then “performed” automatically according to a simple set of rules.The musical...
  • Human Browser -
    ... related to the context. What is needed for the performance: High bandwidth Wi-Fi network with no firewall Internet connected PC with XPpro Wi-Fi PDA Wireless headset DV videocamera