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  • ... development of IT-technology. As individuals we all take part in the development. We influence our surroundings and we are in our...
  • Homefront -
    ... they are depicted. The first is a reality television mode, particularly of the live-action crime TV variety, which combines both...
  • ... development of IT-technology. As individuals we all take part in the development. We influence our surroundings and we are in our...
  • Feeding Consciousness -
    ... our own understanding of the new digitally enhanced world. The artwork captures the collective consciousness of today's populace and...
  • ...Independent art critic and curator, researcher in contemporary art and new media. PhD in Information and Knowledge Society, Universitat Oberta...
  • ... subjectivity and by what surrounds us. In the realm of digital art, several artists have worked with the new parameters of subject,...
  • ... called “Ferrofluid Sculpture.” This technique enables artists to create more dynamic sculptures with fluid materials. One...
  • Limitless2023 -
    ...This interactive real-time artwork comments on the volatility of the stock market and the ephemeral nature of wealth, through an exploration of...
  • Cadence -
    ... touch as an integral sense involved in the creation of the artwork. The film material is swiftly digitised frame-by-frame using a...
  • ... the same name. The original poem accuses the science and art of the time of being nothing more than an outrageous imitation....