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Sanchez Cardona, LM. Vis. [un]necessary force_4. Artistic practice and communities immersed in search processes for victims of enforced disappearance in Mexico In Seven experiences of listening and protest in artistic practices, edited by Ana
Albu, Cristina. Intimate Connections: Alternative Communication Threads in Nina Sobell's Video Performances and Installations (1974-1983) Camera Obscura: Journal of Feminism, Culture and Media Studies; Duke University Press 35, no. 1 (Spring
Borda, Sylvia Grace and Jordan Strom and Liz Wells and Rebecca Travis and Dorothy Barenscott. Shifting Perspectives: Sylvia Grace Borda. Vol.ISBN: 978-1-77203-329-8.
Sobell, Nina. UNSEEN: twenty-four-page folio, 24 pages 5.5” x 17”, in a handmade box, David Moscovitch, editor. Vol.1. 6 th ed.New York: Louffa Press, 2020.
Reinhuber, Elke and Benjamin Seide and Ross Williams. Yunnan Garden VR – Re-creation of a Tropical Garden as Virtual Cultural Heritage Kultur und Informatik – Extended Reality (2020): 25-37.
Donald Kuspit and Lourdes Cilleruelo and Félix Duque and William V. Ganis and Van Van Proyen and Peio H. Riaño, ed. ARTE DIGITAL Y VIDEOARTE: TRANSGREDIENDO LOS LÍMITES DE LA REPRESENTACIÓN. Madrid: Circulo de Bellas Artes, 2020.
Homo Insectus an interactive installation Developed for the Ullens Foundation © 2020, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa SOMMERER Insects are an essential element of the biosphere. However, due to pollution and the widespread use of chemicals, many insect
Electronic Visual Music Work TRT: 1:53 Anonymous Real-time : Igor Amokian LIVE @ LA CITA June 7, 2016 LA CA. Directed and Animated by Victor Acevedo Music by Igor Amokian (Chris Holland) video © 2017 Victor Acevedo music © 2016 Chris Holland Victor:
Scavengers ©2020, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer developed for the TransArt Festival at Centro Trevi in Bolzano and supported by MEET Milano Beetles form a group with more than 350.000 known species. They come in many variations and forms and
Sanchez Cardona, LM. Intermittent Space: Sound, Violence, Ambiance and Affective Politics of Fear in Contemporary Mexico Unlikely Journal for Creative Arts , no. Issue 7 ( 2020): online.